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About Las Cruces

Las Cruces, also known as "The City of Crosses", is located in Doña Ana County, NM. With an estimated population of 101,643 it is the second largest city in the state, after Albuquerque. Las Cruces is the largest city in both Doña Ana County and southern New Mexico. 

Las Cruces is the economic and geographic center of the Mesilla Valley, the agricultural region on the floodplain of the Rio Grande which extends from Hatch, NM to the west side of El Paso, Texas. Las Cruces is the home of New Mexico State University, which is New Mexico's only land-grant institution. The city's major employer is the federal government at nearby White Sands. The Organ Mountains to the east, are dominant in the city's landscape, along with the Doña Ana Mountains, Robledo Mountains, and Picacho Peak. Las Cruces lies 225 miles south of Albuquerque, 48 miles northwest of El Paso, Texas and 46 miles north of the Mexican border at Santa Teresa.

Spaceport America, which lies 55 miles north and with corporate offices in Las Cruces, has seen the completion of several successful manned, suborbital flights. The city is also the headquarters for Virgin Galactic, the world's first company to offer sub-orbital spaceflights.

Las Cruces is located in the verdant Mesilla Valley in south-central New Mexico, a growing community with a bright future. Las Cruces is the fastest growing city in New Mexico and the 11th fastest growing in the nation. Today, Las Cruces offers a vast selection of annual events and attractions, great weather-an average of 350 days of sunshine a year-and without a doubt, the people of Las Cruces are its greatest asset. Las Cruces invites everyone to "Come for the History, Stay for the Fun!"

For more information on Las Cruces and New Mexico, visit the links below. We have compiled many resources for every area of interest that a newcomer to Las Cruces should need! Take a look around and become better acquainted with "The City of Crosses."

   Las Cruces Public Schools
   New Mexico State University
   Dona Ana Community College

   Government Jobs
   State Jobs
   Indeed Search Engine
   Meet Las Cruces
​   Las Cruces Sun News
   Cruces Events
   Arts & Culture

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