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Meet Our  Team

Juan Carlos

The Driving Force

Juan Carlos is the driving force behind BMC Management, This unique and very intriguing Pup has been a part of our business since July 15th of 2016. Juan Carlos was born in a small town just south of Oklahoma City, OK. We were in search of something that would not only add value but most importantly,  charm to BMC Management.

​Therefore, I present to you, Juan Carlos Chavez. The Driving force behind one of Las Cruces’s  newest real estate teams. We are proud knowing that not only does this fearless guard dog bring a sense of sophistication to the Greater Las Cruces area, he brings smiles to everyone who blesses us by walking thru our doors.


Belinda Chavez

Qualifying Broker 

Property Manager


Belinda Chavez is driven by her deep community ties and a commitment to providing exceptional service and guidance to clients in making informed investment decisions.

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Michael Chavez

Associate Broker

Buyer/Seller Representative 

Michael brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his work, having a background in military, mortgage industry and real estate.

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Mattie White

Associate Broker

Homes for Heroes Specialist

Buyer/Seller Representative

Mattie, having a deep understanding of the local community and its values, is eager to guide individuals and families in finding their dream homes or profitable investment properties in the Las Cruces area.

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You are always at home with BMC Management.

©2023 by BMC Management LLC. Proudly created with

Equal housing Opportunity
BMC Management, LLC will not assume responsibility for typographical errors contained in this site. All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. All advertising information contained on this site is provided by the builder and/or the listing agent and is deemed reliable although not guaranteed.
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BMC Management, LLC respects the privacy of the visitors to this website. Information you submit to BMC Management will not be distributed to a third party or used in any manner for which you have not given consent.

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